How to Recognize True Guidance

According to Doreen Virtue’s teachings:


Mature tone, wise content

Constance, repeat the same things

Reveals our life mission

Makes us happy now

Strong, powerful, hard to ignore


Encourage, say “You can …”

We feel love, energize

Bring support and motivation

Insurance, confidence

Power, our strengths

Without detour

Suddenly comes after prayers

Place us on the same level and in unity with all

False Guidance

Frivolous, lack of wisdom

Impulsively changes

Pushes towards competition, comparison

Promise happiness later

Veiled, rigged

Different from our styles, from our interests

Oblige, says “You must …”, “I want you to …”

Lonely, alone, worried, cold

Critical, pushes

Lower, delude

Weakness, submission

Full of rationalization words

Late, arrives due to concerns

Tells us the best or the worst of the others