The Solar Plexus Chakra

It is related to our personal power, our relationship with ourselves, our self-esteem, our self-confidence and self-worth, self-image and to our ability to be free from feelings of embarrassment and shame.

Located slightly above the navel

Undeveloped, dysfunctional

  • We have the feeling of being a victim and being deprived of tools to face the difficulties of our lives;
  • We give our power to others to maintain peace in our relationships;
  • We suffer from stomachaches and anxiety.

Key words: ego, shyness, victimization, domination, fatigue, lack of confidence, difficulty in taking our place.

Radiant, fulfilled

  • We recognize our personal power and we use it in a healthy way;
  • We use our power and influence to improve the world and for the best of all;
  • We admire and choose as examples those who use their personal power to create a better world.

Key words: healthy emotions, personal power, self-confidence, charisma, willpower, humor, leadership, flexibility, freedom.

Heal your Solar Plexus

  • Summon the Help of Archangel Gabriel;
  • Color: Visualize the yellow color, wear yellow or surround yourself with yellow;
  • Music Note: Mi;
  • Strengthen your pancreas and your digestive system;
  • Wear yellow, cream or amber stones in jewels or polished stones (eg: Citrine, Moonstone, Amber).

Affirmation: “I accomplish everything with grace and ease, even the most difficult tasks.”