
Many chose to experience the dynamic energy of Sun Sign Leo in this lifetime which offers many gifts and opportunities to make great strides and develop the gifts and talents you brought forward to experience; however, if the negative traits of this sign are predominant, it can create a life of disappointment and failure.

This is the sign of a leader, one who likes to direct or rule, someone who likes to “shine” or be in the forefront. It encourages the positive energies of generosity, ambition, loyalty, but if these energies are used negatively they can make you demanding, intolerant or domineering.

Take an inventory and strive to bring the multiple facets of your being into harmony so that you can tap into and access more and more of the wisdom and energy of your Higher Self. The wonderful fire sign Leo works hand-in-hand with the First Ray of Divine Will to Create, and it is an unbeatable combination when you use this dynamic power for your highest good and the greatest good of all.

The key phrase for a Leo is I WILL and the key word is FAITH. Leo personalities need to excel in some way. Once you gain recognition, you can allow your warm-heartedness to radiate forth and you can be a tremendous source of encouragement for others. The theater, arts or outdoor sports may be of special interest to you. At your best, you are affectionate, cheerful, and optimistic. Remember to create sunshine in your own life so your radiance can shine forth more strongly.

* The interpretation of this sign is by Archangel Michael channeled by the author Ronna Herman.

Texte de la carte en magasin

ANATOMIE : coeur
PIERRES : rubis, diamant
COULEUR : orange
METAL : or
PROFESSIONS : Banquier, Bijoutier, Politicien, Peintre, Acteur, Avocat.

Natif du lion ou Messire lion, comment doit-on vous appeler?
Crinière au vent, front haut, cœur sur la main vous n’hésitez pas à protéger et à défendre les faibles. Certes vous aimez le beau, le faste mais vous avez surtout un cœur noble, fier, qui fait de vous un être combatif et puissant. Volontaire mais parfois tyrannique, ambitieux mais parfois vaniteux votre rayonnement, votre chaleur humaine apportent un grand bonheur à votre entourage.