
If you were born under the Sun Sign Libra, which symbolizes balancing the scales of life, you came forth with a great desire to investigate all the positive and negative aspects of a situation before you make a decision. Libra’s ruler is Venus, the planet of love and harmony.

The key phrase to describe a Libra personality is I BALANCE, and your basic nature is that of a diplomat or moderator. Libra is an Air or mental sign, and so you are seeking to balance your mental and emotional nature, for your emotional body has somewhat dominated your existence in several past lifetimes. Using the positive qualities of Libra will assist you to become more diplomatic, cooperative, helpful and idealistic.

The energies of Libras will also help you to focus on your intellect and also on communications. You are striving to be more outgoing or sociable and to take control of your life in order to manifest your dreams and ideals; but you must also learn that there are times when you need to be alone, and to become comfortable with your own thoughts as you learn to attune to your Inner Self.

Those with a strong Libra influence often have the tendency to be “in love with love”, because of their romantic and sentimental natures. First, fill yourself with love and a sense of self-worth, and then you can share that love with others, and receive the higher vibrations of love in return. You must guard against being indecisive, too dependent on others.

You must strive to overcome a deep-seated fear of stepping out of you comfort zone in order to attain or become that which you can dream of, but do not dare to hope for. We tell you that you can do or become anything you desire, beloved one. Script your vision of the future, and begin to take the steps necessary to bring your vision to fruition. Begin the journey, beloved, and we will open the path before you and show you the way.

* The interpretation of this sign is by Archangel Michael channeled by the author Ronna Herman.

Texte de la carte en magasin

ANATOMIE : reins
PIERRE : opale
COULEUR : jaune
METAL : cuivre
PROFESSIONS : Artiste, Décorateur, Mannequin, Esthéticienne,

Est-ce parce que la délicate Vénus domine votre signe que vous avez des talents innés de conciliateur, natif de la Balance?
Diplomate dans l’âme, vous avez horreur des disputes. En permanence à la recherche de l’harmonie vous pouvez faire beaucoup de concessions afin de préserver votre tranquillité. L’échange, la communication vous procurent bonheur et joie de vivre, car vous détestez restez seul. Esthète, influençable, il vaut mieux ne pas vous mettre dans l’obligation de prendre une décision, l’équilibre est trop difficile à atteindre et vous trouvez sans cesse une raison qui vous fait basculer d’un avis à un autre.