
For those who choose to be born under the influence of the Sun Sign Sagittarius for this lifetime, this sign radiates the element of Fire and, therefore, could be described as a sign which conveys enthusiasm and inspiration. It also endows the qualities of flexibility and adaptability.

The positive qualities of Sagittarius that you should strive to cultivate are optimism, dependability, versatility and honesty. The negative traits you may need to overcome are sometimes being tactless and speaking before you think, thereby hurting others’ feelings. You must also strive to be responsible, to dream, but also to endeavour to take the action necessary in order to manifest your dreams. Your basic nature is that of a philosopher and a lover of nature. You have an inner discontent because you are always looking for something that will add excitement or a new dimension to your life. Be careful not to overextend yourself with too many activities and use up your energy too quickly.

You chose this sign to help you expand your knowledge and seek independence. You may not believe this, but you have the ability to become a good conversationalist or teacher and if you learn to draw on the “shining” of your Sun Sign you will never be lonely, for people will be drawn to you and you can create a loving circle of loyal friends.

The key word for Sagittarius is FREEDOM, and the key phrase is I SEE. The sign of Sagittarius is the Centaur shooting an arrow into great heights. So aim high, while keeping your feet on the ground, and learn to take full advantage of your beautiful, positive nature.

* The interpretation of this sign is by Archangel Michael channeled by the author Ronna Herman.

Texte de la carte en magasin

ANATOMIE : membres inférieurs
PIERRE : turquoise
COULEUR : bleu
METAL : étain
PROFESSIONS : Magistrat, Enseignant, Avocat, Sportif, Missionnaire, Agent de voyage

Il suffit de vous regarder vivre cher natif du Sagittaire pour comprendre les sens du mot jovialité.
Voyageur, aventurier, enthousiaste, vous cherchez sans cesse à vous dépassez. C’est pour de cela qu’il y a, parmi vous, de grands sportifs. Parfois excessif, vous pouvez mettre mal à l’aise tous les gens d’une assemblée. Mais quoiqu’il arrive, loyal et juste, vous défendez les causes perdues. C’Est-ce qui fait de vous un ami charmant, fidèle et recherché.