
If you were born under the influence of the Sun Sign Scorpio for this lifetime, you chose to experience the energies of this intense Sun Sign, for it was your greatest desire is to bring all the facets of your being back into harmony.

Scorpio is ruled by energetic Mars and the planet of intense desires, Pluto. It is a water sign, and the element of water gives you a strong emotional nature with powerful, deep-seated feelings, and a strong sense of purpose. Scorpio is a greatly diverse sign with a Scorpion depicting the lower nature or energies of that sign, whereby someone might be cunning and strike out when angry. You have the potential to soar like an Eagle, majestic and powerful with the ability to rise above the physical world.

The key phrase for this sign is I DESIRE, and the keyword is FORTITUDE. If you draw on the positive energies of this sign it will help you to be courageous, resourceful, efficient and intuitive. However, you must guard against stubbornness, being resentful or possessive. Scorpio is also one of the most powerful signs because it gives you a strong will and determination to accomplish your dreams.

You are capable of extreme self-sacrifice for those you love, but you must remember you also deserve to have your needs met. Therefore, you must learn to set boundaries and seek a balance of give and take in your relationships so that you do not give too much of yourself away.

* The interpretation of this sign is by Archangel Michael channeled by the author Ronna Herman.

Texte de la carte en magasin

ANATOMIE : organes génitaux
PIERRE : topaze
COULEURS : rouge, noir
METAL : fer
PROFESSIONS : Pharmacien, Médecin, Chimiste, Médium, Policier.

Est-ce Mars ou Pluton qui vous a donné une aussi mauvaise renommée natif du Scorpion ? Tel le Phénix, vous avez la puissance de mourir pour renaître.
Mystérieux, secret instinctif, passionné, provocateur. Il vaut mieux être franc et loyal avec vous sinon, vous n’hésitez pas pour vous défendre à utiliser la pointe acérée de votre dard. De toute façon, avec votre âme de détective, vous avez tôt fait de débusquer les menteurs.