Creation of a Sacred Altar

The sacred altar is a special space that we establish in order to express our connection to our spiritual dimension. It is a place we choose according to what we love: it is a physical representation of what is sacred to us, of what is meaningful and important to us (ex. Gods, Goddesses, Angels, Archangels, Guides that accompany us).
By establishing a space for our sacred altar, we choose to install a particular energy, a sacred vibration and dedicated to our spiritual life. There can be offerings, celebration rituals, blessings. The altar is a physical representation. The mere fact of its presence, to see it, connects us to our sacred dimension and reminds us of our spiritual dimension.
The sacred altar is a space that we want to dedicate for various reasons
- Ceremony and ritual;
- Pray;
- Meditation;
- Relaxation;
- Reflection;
- Specific energies;
- Gratitude;
- An event, a ritual or a particular party (punctual).
How to create your altar?
- Determine where and what’s right for it
- Inside or outside;
- Direction and location;
- A little table;
- A window sill;
- A shelf;
- A drawer;
- A closet;
- A little box;
- If you plan to do a ceremony, it can be a room or an outdoor place;
- If you have little space or if you travel, it may be a small portable box.
2. Determine the surface of your altar (size, tablecloth, etc.)
3. Determine what you want to put in it
- For example, the 4 elements: Candles (Fire), Crystals (Earth), Incense (Air) and Water Cup;
- Representation of your significant guides: Angels, Fairies, Elementals, Animals Totems;
- Flowers, herbs, resins, oils, feathers, foods (offerings);
- Pictures of your ancestors, images, icons, lanterns;
- Representations, amulets, colors and various symbols (ex. chakras, yin yang, etc.);
- Harmonization instruments (ex. Ting Sha, Drum, Rattle, etc.);
- Any meaningful object for you that connects with your spirituality: the possibilities are endless!
4. You can create a consecration ritual to prepare the place: centering, purifying with sage, dedicating and activating it.
5. You can also activate it for a specific reason (For example: Healing)
6. Decide on the atmosphere and the energies you want to have :)
In conclusion, your altar is unique, an expression of your spiritual life. It’s your sacred space. More you develop it with love, more you maintain your high frequency. Keep it clean and beautiful, in your image. Burn some sage to purify the space and express your gratitude.
P.S. For Thanksgiving, have a special intention to have energies of Gratitude and Blessing. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! ©