Am I Medium? The multiple Medium’s Categories

There is confusion about mediumship. Currently, it is poorly defined and poorly recognized in our contemporary society. Individuals who are born with stronger psychic abilities than average are often left to their own when it comes to the proper development of this facet of their being. They receive no support or education within their family or within their community. In fact, they are often seen as a black sheep in the family and as socially marginal. It is normal for these individuals to experience a repression of this aspect of their being. In fact, they carry important faculties which once contributed to the well-being of their community. They are supposed to be scouts of this way of being for the balance of humans who are all medium, but with a lesser degree of sensitivity.
A search on Wikipedia gives us access to several categories of mediums.
I invite you to focus your attention to the last on the list, that is to say the inspiration medium. Then check out the article “Signs of Mediumship“.
If you feel interpellated, you are encouraged to take a step which will favor the development of your psychic abilities. You can then deploy your talents during this important passage.
Earth is calling you! Mediums, wake up!
Clairvoyant medium
The medium sees an entity that he is generally the only one to perceive. He can see his gift get manifested by premonitory dreams and by coming into contact with real entities or situations. Clairvoyance mediumship is probably the most widespread form of perception among medium individuals.
Clairhearing medium
The medium hears an entity that he is generally the only one to perceive (examples: Joan of Arc, John Edward). The sounds he hears can also come from energies specific to places or people. The clairhearing medium can also be clairvoyant as well as any other type of mediumship.
Turntable medium
The energy of the medium is used by the entity to produce knocks on or in a furniture located nearby or to move it (very slightly). This was a form of popular mediumship in the 19th century.
Writer medium
The writing medium takes a pen or a pencil. He relaxes his hand and lets the entity use his fingers to write. It is a widespread mediumistic practice also called automatic writing. Automatic writing is quite common. It develops through practice, according to its supporters.
Painter medium
He is like the writer medium, but the entity produces drawings or paintings.
Clipboard medium
The medium stands calmly near a board on which the letters of the alphabet are inscribed. Above the board is a small object like a wooden triangle or an inverted glass. The energy of the medium is used by the entity to move the small object towards the letters in order to compose words and sentences. This practice is also called Ouija.
Talking medium
The medium lends its larynx and vocal cords to an entity so that it can speak clearly and perceptibly. Sometimes, the medium expresses itself in a language which it absolutely does not know, but which corresponds to a language spoken by the entity. The medium is sometimes conscious, sometimes unconscious. The latter is called medium trance.
Materialization medium
The presence of the medium promotes the pseudo-materialization of an entity. This manifests itself either in the form of an ectoplasm or of a limited anatomical form (a hand or a face for example). The complete pseudo-materialization of the body of an entity is also called appearance.
Medium with physical effect
The medium with physical effect generally ignores that it participates in this physical effect. Unintentionally, it transfers energy to entities. These can, for example, cause noises around him. If the phenomenon occurs in a disorderly way, it is called Poltergeist.
Christian medium
The medium has a magnetism which allows him to cure all kinds of ailments and paralysis. He is both a healer and a magnetizer.
Healing medium
The healing medium does not heal himself.He only serves as a channel for an entity to transmit energy (to a patient). The patient can be near or distant. When a person gives his own energy without the help of an entity, this is called a magnetizer.
Psionic medium
The psionic medium, inhis unconscious, would create spatio-temporal faults that could bring entities.
And that’s why there is so much confusion about it!
But, there are also among so many possibilities…
The inspiration medium!
The medium is particularly receptive to ideas suggested by an entity. This faculty merges with intuition, premonition and artistic inspiration. These incentives are mixed with the personal thoughts of the medium who often find it difficult to distinguish. These suggestions are good or bad, creative or destructive, depending on the nature of the entity that produces them.
An equivalent concept exists in psychoanalysis, but in this case the impulses are attributed to the unconscious and not to external entities.
In the case where the gift of the medium is authentic, the individual is often plagued by hypersensitivity. Indeed, he feels emotions which overwhelm him, which can confuse him and which do not come from him, because he captures the energies produced by entities, people, places and collective consciousness.
It is the most difficult type of mediumship to detect, because it can be confused with a psychoemotional disorder and a very simple fragility of the individual in his feelings. It is also a condition not to be confused with certain mental disorders. The inspired medium perceives in him something different, intangible and most often from an early age, as a feeling that one cannot analyze materially.