Akasha Index

Light work

Welcome to the wonderful world of energies! Light work (or energy work) is an approach that promotes health at all levels of our being. The practice of light work relies on a function of the right brain. It allows us to exercise and develop our psychic faculties, to become more aware of our personal power and more responsible for our experience. Our creative power is thus activated.

We know that we can intervene and put an end to what makes us suffer. Thus, we stop being under the influence of old energies and manipulations. We stop being victims. We choose the path of healing, the path of mastery.

The need to intervene through the use of light work occurs when we perceive a problem, a pathology, live a difficulty or when life presents us a challenge. When we intervene by practicing an appropriate light work, we correct the unbalances, we harmonize and we establish visions and structures for a healthy, luminous and creative life. The changes that follow such interventions are quickly remarkable.

When we are strong with knowledge and tools, it is easier and more enjoyable to open up and see what seems to be invisible.

Here, you will find exercises and practices that lead to an improvement of your state of being. It can be meditations, visualizations or any other energetic intervention. Welcome to the wonderful world of energies!

Creation of a Sacred Altar

The sacred altar is a special space that we establish in order to express our connection to our spiritual dimension. It is...

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Be Energized: Sun, Water and Dandelion

Tired? Drained? In lack of energy? Did you know that your solar plexus can become engorged by the environment's energies and your...

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How to Activate the Violet Flame: Saint-Germain’s Alchemy

Familiarize yourself with the purple flame of the Essence-Ciel Portal. Once you've done the practice of releasing what you would like to...

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Conscious Breathing for Centering

Practice three deep breaths At the first inspiration, we see the emotional body getting closer and, on expiration, we see it released...

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Cérémonie Roue de Médecine Fleur de Vie

Détails et texte de la Cérémonie dans la Roue de Médecine Arc-en-Ciel (10/06/2016) La Création de cette cérémonie est un accomplissement conjoint entre...

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Purification & Reprogramming: The Crown Chakra

Use this technique with any other method you believe appropriate: Reiki, quick eye movement, tapping... Place your wrist on the crown chakra...

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Purification & Reprogramming: The 3rd Eye Chakra

Use this technique with any other method you believe appropriate: Reiki, quick eye movement, tapping... Place your wrist on the 3rd eye...

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Purification & Reprogramming: The Throat Chakra

Use this technique with any other method you believe appropriate: Reiki, quick eye movement, tapping ... Place your wrist on the throat...

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Purification & Reprogramming: The Heart Chakra

Use this technique with any other method you believe appropriate: Reiki, quick eye movement, tapping ... Place your wrist on the heart...

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Purification & Reprogramming: The Solar Plexus

Use this technique with any other method you believe appropriate: Reiki, quick eye movement, tapping... Place your wrist on the Solar Plexus...

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Purification & Reprogramming: The Sacred Chakra

Use this technique with any other method you believe appropriate: Reiki, quick eye movement, tapping... Place your wrist on the sacred chakra...

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Purification & Reprogramming: The Root Chakra

Use this technique with any other method you believe appropriate: Reiki, quick eye movement, tapping… Place your wrist on the Root Chakra...

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Energetic Wands

For a practice filled with benefits, light, magic and love. Energetic wands have long been used by healers around the world to...

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Purification Ritual with Sage: Smudging with Teaching

Consultation of 30 minutes rate or more + purchase of a sage stick You buy the sage stick that will be blessed...

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How to Understand Subtle Energies

It is possible for us to see and understand the subtle energies. To do this, we stimulate lesser-known dimensions of the Being...

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Animal Wisdom

Animal Wisdom: A Powerful Medicine Did you know that there are different facets and levels of interaction with the energy of animal...

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A look to the Archangels’ Wings to reach our Rainbow State!

Did you know... ...that archangels transmit teachings that encourage us to reach a radiant rainbow state? Do you know their simple, effective...

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